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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

So Much Fun! New PEZ Collectors @ 

Pez Dispensers are collected by many enthusiastic collectors in many countries as they were released over the years in a wide variety of designs and models. Some of them are already presented at

What is PEZ?

PEZ is the brand name of an Austrian candy and their mechanical pocket dispensers. The candy itself takes the shape of pressed, dry, straight-edged blocks, with Pez dispensers holding 12 Pez pieces.
The name Pez was derived from the letters at the start, the middle and the end of the German word for peppermint, Pfefferminz, the first Pez flavor. 
Pez was originally introduced in Austria, later exported, notably to the U.S., and eventually became available worldwide.  
Despite the widespread recognition of the Pez dispenser, the company considers itself to be primarily a candy company, and says over 3 billion candy bricks are consumed each year in the U.S. alone. 

A PEZ Collection:

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